The sound of MLM and Network Marketing doesn't do well with some....
I guess the reason is people just don't understand MLM or Network Marketing. Probably one of the family or friends got involved in one. Now, they're being hounded to sign up or by their product. Then each time they run into them or see them, what's she or he pushing now.....good question? They run and hide.
What it all boils down too is the marketing program is changed....they should be telling and sharing. I guess an example could be while shopping in a store, looking at different products, you decide what you want. Nobody is pushing it on you. Teaching and explaining things is the way to approach your prospect. The marketing programs tell new distributors work your warm market (people you know) and 3 foot rule (anyone within 3 feet of you). Well, pretty soon your out of people. Why, because they're to pushy.
Marketing has changed in a big way. Before mailing, passing out flyers, handing out tapes and literature, buying leads and a whole more was done. Today the Internet has taken over it in a big way. You'll notice vacant stores in malls now more than ever. Where did they go, the Internet. Amazon has grown in a big way. Instead of chasing, attract them who are looking for you. They are looking for want they want.
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