What a statement! Is he crazy? Good question you could say. Network Marketing is really kind of like real estate in a way. It works like this. The more your group grows, the more valuable. Plus, the other side of it is the residual income that comes continuously.
With real estate your property gains in value as time goes on. I guess you could compare it to owning a rental property. The more units you own the more streams of income. Network marketing works the same way. Once you start building an organization, it tends to grow.
The big difference is you can start on a shoestring in network marketing, no big cash outlay like in real estate. Plus, you can grow so much faster. Initial start up is a very low $25 for a turnkey program includes website and all, no fees.
A big problem with the majority of programs is they sign you up then leave you high and dry. They give you some tools to work with, but no real training and mentoring.
Network Marketing and Why I Love It, boils down to a business you can work anywhere. A business that can deliver in a shorter period of time a great income. Income you can use to buy your dreams or whatever your heart desires.
Next compensation plans that benefit the distributor more than the company. I believe there's only two that match to that. Here's one that may interest you. This one offers tools for marketing, prosperity, and money management. All provided with your very low monthly product purchase.
Bottom line, Network Marketing and Why I Love It! It gives a person freedom to do things and come a go as you want.
Thanks for stopping by, Jim Redland jimredland@gmail.com
P.S. If you are only interested in affiliate marketing this may interest you.