Monday, March 30, 2015

Best Network Marketing Opportunity #2

   Posting another series on "Best Network Marketing Opportunity" with added features to help us all learn and earn as we grow with this business.  These feature I mention are all added to your primary network marketing business.

 I would like to mention a great tool which can help all of us for both social and business relations. This is free and has many associates in all businesses.  The features are many including posting your ads,  press releases that get plenty of exposure and a network of associates that you can connect with.
It's free to join and no added expenses.  The big thing is Internet exposure, especially with your postings of press releases.  Interested?  Here's where the real action starts.

I ran across a program recently that can really educate and add funds to your pocket.  It's probably the best $10 you'll ever spend for the money.  They say leads are the life blood of business.  Well, with this it will teach and show the secrets of working leads, emails and a lot more..

We all want to work at home and network marketing answers the call.  The thought of residual checks coming monthly and probably more is a real blessing.  What we want is a program that pays the best and has a monthly qualifier.  You might ask why a monthly qualifier?  Well, the old saying goes you can buy a car one time, but if you don't gas it up you don't go.  That's why the monthly checks keep coming..your buy more gas.  The same goes for any replenishing products.

Now, to close go ahead study my primary opportunity here.  We're building a group with team effort so each one will achieve their goals.  Remember it takes effort to make it happen, but in the end it's worth while.

Thanks for stopping by.  You can reach me at

Monday, March 16, 2015

Best Network Marketing Opportunity

        "Good News..The Best Network Marketing Opportunity Business Period"

 Why is it the best? You can now Unlock the Secret to Live Better and Earn More.  That's right, the secret is a simple and easy program all of us can do.  You know people are constantly looking for that magic pill.  You know the one and only program that'll put you over the top.  Really there isn't any magic pill.  No pie in the sky.  Business is business and work is involved in any endeavor. BUT, what your reading here is that secret.

 Next, building a business takes time and effort.  You know Rome wasn't built over night. I've had my share of chasing the friends and family and the results we all know about.  They see you coming and dash out of sight...what's he promoting or selling now?  We used to mail post cards and letters adding info and even casette tapes to enlighten the prospects.  We'd gather names and mailing list too. Sure that stuff still works, but it time consuming and expensive.

  The big thing is times changed. Now we have the World wide Internet.  It's a whole different ball game. How's it work you say?   Well it's like a barker blasting your message to the World some may hear and some will connect. Sure you can still connect with your local communities etc. and share your opportunities.  We blog and build relationship with people all over and share with our teams.  We post each others sites all over so it spreads like roots on a tree.  We all grow with a real team effort.    

 1.This program provides a website to share with all.

 2. Tools to make it easy for you like a prewritten email followups, videos that explain how it all works.  The best part all of the extras at no additional charge.

 3. A compensation plan that pays six ways. Bonus programs that keep you and your team excited and looking for more. Plus, our compensation plan has been enhanced too. No other pay plan can compare.

 4. The best part so reasonable.  You buy one product a month for $25 qualifies you for entire business.  That includes all the above mentioned and more.

 5. Products, yes products you and I can us and share with others.

 6.  I guess it doesn't get much simplier than that.  Listen to the opportunity video and decide is this for me?  The video is about 12 minutes so pour up a cup and enjoy. Next step, Join Us.

Thanks for looking and listening to a great opportunity, Jim Redland

Email me at   put subject line "more info"

Here's the  one, click now...  Best

P.S. Our company marketing and support is way above the rest.  Our conference calls will make your head spin........ that's how great they are. Plus, I am and the rest of the team here to help you reach your goals.

Added feature for those looking for a one time Learn and Earn site ..this can start a daily cash flow with a little sharing.  Here's the ATM